Beginning with version 2.0, all SimpelFilters have a new user interface. With version 2.1 you get some additional features like the ability to save and load all settings, alternatively for one variant or for all variants at once. Beginning with version 2.2 you can combine all Variants and the filter is "actionable" (it is possible to put it into Photoshop Actions and Scripts). Version 3.0 has a split preview window. The downloadable filter file works as a tryout version until the filter is licensed (with a special license key).
The current versions have an optional Description line for each variant. if you change between two variants, the preview is very faster now. The try-out version has all the functionality of the licensed version, except that the filter applies watermarks to the image.
Temporary storage of 10 variants with different filter adjustments
Combine Variants: The combined Variants are applied to the original image together. Beginning with version 3.2 you have the choice between seven blend modes and one "cumulative" mode..
Save all parameters of the current variant or all variants in a file, load the parameters of a stored variant in the current variant or load all variants. (Beginning with version 3.1, the current settings are stored automatically.)
Automatization with a special filter version and an Automation file.
Rapid access to the most important zoom levels (including 200%-
With "Smart Zoom", when you minimize or maximize, the interesting image area stays in the preview window.
Navigator functionality with display of the 100% or 200%
Multiple undo and redo (separate for each variant), three-step reset function.
Display of the color values under the mouse pointer. Beginning with version 3.2, this values are shown in the slider bars too.
Setting of a measuring point.
Scrolling via keyboard or mouse.
Keyboard access to controls and buttons.
Options dialog with language settings, individual settings and short help.
Licensing the full version and future updates with a simple key.
User interface with the most important controls and the options dialog
All filters' dialogs are separated into a general part - which normally is the same with all filters - and an individual part. The general part (on the dialog's left side) contains the preview window, the variants buttons, a display field for color values, setting of preview zoom and some other buttons.
Variant buttons for temporary storage of up to 10 different filter adjustments and the fast switching between or combination of them.
Color value display for channel-wise display of the color values under the mouse pointer or at a measuring point, respectively. Alternatively, the progress display is shown in this field.
Zoom buttons for minimizing or maximizing the preview image, with display of the zoom level. Zoom levels range from 6% to 200% of the original size. It's more convenient to change the zoom level via keyboard shortcut, though (see column at the side).
Options button: Brings up the options dialog where you can find language setting, possibly more options and a help window with short handling instructions.
Text "SimpelFilter": A mouse click into the text brings up a window with information on the filter, copyright and web address.
With the little resize triangle in the lower right corner of the dialog and also at the sides of the dialog window itself you can change the size of the dialog window (not possible in the freeware versions).
By clicking on the button New (or key F12) up to 10 different filter adjustments (variants) temporarily can be stored. By opening up a new variant the current settings will be copied to the new one, then the new one is made active. Thus, the settings of the "old" variant will be kept. Switching between variants is done by mouse-click on one of the numbered buttons (tabs), alternatively over the function keys F1 to F10. Number tabs change thereby the color.
The colors have the following meanings:
Gray: No adjustments are stored;
White: Adjustments stored, but not active;
Green: Adjustments stored and active.
If all variants are occupied and you press the button new again, the label changes to save and you have to decide, which (already stored) variant can be overwritten. With pressed SHIFT key the current adjustment can be stored at a certain storage location, if not yet all storage locations are occupied.
With pressed DELETE key and mouse-click on a variant tab you will delete this variant. DELETE + mouse-click on the new button (label changes to DELETE) deletes all stored variants and copies the current variant to variant 1. You can use this for cleaning the variant register.
If you press the new button the filter searches for the next free variant place in the register. By pressing the SHIFT key simultaneously you can select a variant by yourself: Left-click on the preferred variant tab or press the corresponding F key.
Please note that all variants (active and inactive) are stored in the background if the filter is applied. They are automatically reloaded if the filter is opened again. (See below "Using last settings".)
Beginning with version 2.2, it is possible to combine up to 10 Variants. Combined Variants are applied to the image together. You can turn on and off the Combination mode by clicking the "combining" checkbox. In Combination Mode you can work with combined and uncombined Variants simultaneously. The current state is marked by colors. Because the combination modes differ from filter to filter they are explained on the filter pages.
Add or subtract Variants to/from combination: Press the ALT key and click on the variant tab or press the corresponding F-key.
Remove all Variants from the combination: Press the ALT- or Delete key and click in the Combination check box. This switches off the Combination mode simultaneously.
In Combination mode the colors have the following meanings:
Light red: Variant is part of the combination;
Red: Variant is part of the combination and is activated;
White: Variant is not part of the combination;
Green: Variant is not part of the combination, but is activated;
You can change the active Variant by mouse click or pressing the corresponding F-key and change the settings as usual. If the active variant is part of the combination, changes will directly alter the combination.
Variant buttons with combination of two variants with mode Cumulative. Variant 9 is active (parameters can be changed). The settings of variant 9 are applied to the resulting image of variant 1.
Variant buttons with combination of two variants with mode Minimum. Variant 9 is active (parameters can be changed).
Clicking the S button opens the Save Parameters dialog. Select a directory and a file name here. By default the filter installation directory and the name of the filter are chosen. You can change this if you like.
With a simple left-click on the S button you can save the parameters of the current variant. If you want to save all variants hold the SHIFT key while pressing the S button. The label of the button changes to S+. In the Combination Mode this is is the default.
For loading parameters press the L button. Here too, you have two possibilities (with / without SHIFT key), in fact, depending on the stored file, there are actually four possibilities:
L (without SHIFT key): This will always load one variant. If the file contains only one variant, this variant will be loaded. If the file contains more than one variant, the matching variant will be loaded. If no matching variant can be found, an error message occurs.
L+ (with SHIFT key): This loads - if possible - all variants stored in the file. If the file contains only one variant, this variant will be loaded into the currently active variant "slot".
The Pro versions also check the color mode (RGB, Lab or CMYK) when loading a settings file. If the color mode in the settings file doesn't match the currently used color mode, a warning is given, but you can load the file nonetheless.
All Pro versions can load settings files that were created with the standard versions, but not the other way round.
Beginning with version 3.1 the filters store all settings after applying and load this settings during the next start automatically. If you wish to start the filter with default settings push the Shift key during startup.
The filters beginning with version 3.1 are actionable. But since this function is not supported by the filter software itself a short detour is necessary: A special "Automation version" of the filter must be placed in the Photoshop Action.
The details of the automation process are explained on a separate page here.
You can change zoom levels either via the little buttons below the preview window or via keyboard shortcuts. The Smart Zoom function always keeps the interesting image area in the preview window. Example: Change to image overview by pressing the 0 key, place the mouse pointer over a prominent detail in the image and press the + key or a key for a specific zoom level (like 1 for 100%). The preview gets enlarged, whereas the image detail below the mouse pointer keeps its position. This way you can quickly regard the same image detail in different zoom levels, without the need to scroll.
If the mouse pointer is not within the preview window when minimizing or maximizing an image, instead the center of the displayed section will be held.
When the Alt key is pressed a rectangle appears in the preview area. Right-click to show the image section that is framed by the rectangle in 100% view. Another right-click brings you back to the original view. Instead, if you release the Alt key, the frame appears again and a further right-click enlarges its content to 200%.
For example, change to image overview by pressing the 0 key and then press Alt. Now move the rectangle that is now displayed wherever you like it. Right-click to open the image section in 100% view. You can now - keeping Alt pressed - change freely between overview and 100% views of interesting image areas.
In order to show a section from 100% view in 200% view, just release the Alt key and press it again before you right-click. This way you can change between 100% and 200% views. If you are in 200% view and you press the right mouse button twice in a row, you get back to the original view. SimpelFilter remembers the zoom level from which you originated until the next manual change using zoom buttons or keyboard shortcuts.
If the preview window displays only a section of the image you have multiple ways of scrolling to the sections that are hidden.
- Left-click into the preview image and drag.
- Press the Alt key and move the mouse pointer near the preview area's border. By doing so the image scrolls automatically into the desired direction.
- Usage of the keyboard shortcuts defined to scroll (see side column).
Left-click into the image while pressing Ctrl in order to set a new measuring point. The point is identified in the preview by a cross. The zoom level doesn't matter. As long as the Ctrl key is pressed, the measuring point's color values are displayed in the color value display field (on white background).
A once set measuring point can be moved with the arrow keys as long as Ctrl is pressed. Pressing the Decimal or Separator key scrolls the preview to the measuring point automatically. This is helpful as it avoids searching for a once set measuring point.
Delete measuring point: Left-click outside the preview window while Ctrl is pressed.
The display field shows constantly the color values (i.e. normally the RGB values) of the original pixel under the mouse pointer. Only if opacity is zero no color values can be identified. In this case a warning is given.
The colors of text and background have the following meanings:
Text color black: Exact values (normally only in 100% view)
Text color dark red: The values can but don't have to be exact because they are obtained from a preview with less than 100% view. Change to 100% view in order to always get exact values.
Background color gray: Current color value taken from the position of the mouse pointer.
Background color blue: (only if reading point is set): The current color value under the mouse pointer is equal to the reading point's color value.
Background color white: (only if reading point is set): The reading point's color value. This is only displayed if the Ctrl key is pressed or if the mouse pointer is outside the preview window.
Background color red: Warning color, if no color values can be detected (e.g. because the pixel's opacity is 0%).
Background color green: The currently read color value (under the mouse pointer) is significant for a filter function. E.g. in SF TransluSense it corresponds to the setting of the three RGB controls.
In each variant you can cancel (Undo) and repair (Redo) at least the last 10 adjustments. For Undo and Redo, please use the well-known hot-keys Ctrl + Z (Undo) and Ctrl + Y (Redo).
The reset function sets all adjustments on the initial values and/or to 0. You reach it by clicking the Cancel button with pressed Alt key or alternatively by the combination of keys Alt + < (the label of the Cancel button changes thereby to <). If the Alt key is not released during the procedure, the resetting takes place in three steps. The label of the Cancel button always indicates which step will be the next:
1st click (<): Slider adjustments of the active variant are put back to the initial values. Undo/Redo is further possible.
2nd click (<<): All adjustments of the active variant are put back to the defaults. Undo/Redo is further possible.
3rd click (<<<): The entire filter is put back to the starting condition. All variants are deleted. A possibly existing measuring point is deleted.
F12 Stores the current adjustments as a new variant
F1 ... F10 Switches between Variants
Del + F12 Deletes all Variants
Del + F1 ... F10 Deletes selected Variant
Shift + F12 Overwrites the active Variant with the current adjustments
Shift + F1 ... F10 Overwrites the selected Variant with the current adjustments
Alt + F1 ... F10 Add/subtract Variants
F1 ... F10 Switches between Variants
Alt + &-button: Remove all combinations
(ALT+) S Stores the parameters of the current Variant in a file
(ALT+) SHIFT + S or Ctrl + S Sores all Variants in a file
(ALT+) L Loads one Variant
If the file contains more than one Variant, the matching variant will be loaded. If the file contains only one variant, this Variant will be loaded into the active Variant "slot" of the filter.
(ALT+) SHIFT + L or Ctrl + L Loads all Variants:
If the file contains only one Variant, the settings will be loaded into the Variant number that was used when the file was created.
+/- zooms in / zooms out the image preview
0 Fit image into the preview window.
1 100% zoom
2 200% zoom
3 33% zoom
5 50% zoom
Ctrl+Shift+Home: Switches to the minimum dialog size and positions the dialogue in the center of the screen.
Ctrl+Shift+End: Restores the original size of the filter dialogue.
Ctrl+Shift+Insert: Adapts the size of the filter dialogue to the size of the preview, if possible.
If you keep the Shift key pressed while shifting a slider by mouse, an immediate actualization of the preview already takes place during pulling. Normally the preview is only updated after releasing the mouse button.
While pressing the left mouse button the preview shows the unchanged image.
Beginning with version 3.0 it's possible to split the preview window in two areas: the left shows the image "Before", the right part shows the image "After". Please use the following hot clicks:
Left mouse click (into the split bar) splits the window at this position.
Right mouse click removes the splitting
Double click splits the preview window half-to-half.
ALT + Arrow keys The preview section is moved to the left, right, up or down, in steps of approx. 10% of the size of the preview window. .
Alt + Next page/ Prior page The preview section is moved down or up in steps of a window's height.
Alt + Ctrl+ Next page / Prior page The preview section is moved to the right or left in steps of a window's width.
Alt + Pos1 / End Moves to the upper left or lower right corner of the image.
Alt + Ctrl + Home / End Moves to the upper right or lower left corner of the image.
Moving the mouse pointer close to the edges with pressed Alt key scrolls the preview automatically into the desired direction.
Ctrl + Arrow keys The measuring point is shifted one pixel in the desired direction
Ctrl + Shift + Arrow keys The measuring point is shifted ten pixels in the desired direction
("Pixels" means here the pixels of the preview. They are identical with image pixels only in the 100% preview.)
If the focus is on one of the sliders (for example click once) you can change it with the following keys:
Arrow up / Arrow left Moves the slider one step to the left.
Arrow down / Arrow right Moves the slider one step to the right.
Prior page / Next page: Decreases or increases the slider value 10 steps.
Home / End- Sets the slider to the minimum or the maximum value.
You can set the slider value directly by typing the value into the edit box (at the right of the slider), but you can also change its value over the arrow keys, the prior page and the next page keys (similar to Photoshop):
Arrow keys: Changes the value one step up or down.
Prior page / Next page: Changes the value ten steps up or down.
WithShiftkey pressed at the same time the slider value is adjusted by the tenfold value (10 and/or 100 steps).
All buttons and check boxes whose text label contains an underlined letter can be selected or switched by pressing the according key. Press the character key in connection with the Alt key. In most cases, though, the character key alone is sufficient.
The Tab key changes to the next control element.